Dates to Remember:
Oct. 4th: Home and School Meeting
Oct. 8th: Fall Festival
Oct. 9th: No School – Teacher In-service
Oct. 16th: SACS School Board Meeting
Oct. 16th – 20th: Week of Prayer
Oct. 20th: Quarter Ends
Oct. 23rd: Quarter 2 Begins
Oct. 23rd-27th: Red Ribbon Week
Monday: Crazy Shirt and Hair
Tuesday: Dress Like Your Twin
Wednesday: Character Day
Thursday: Stay in Your PJs!
Friday: Celebrate and Wear Red!
Oct. 24th: Minimum Day – Teacher In-service
Oct. 30th: Awards Chapel (8:15)
Oct. 31st – Nov. 2nd: Minimum Days – Parent Teacher Conferences
Dear SACS Family,
What a September we had! We enjoyed our “Fall Beach Vespers” playing in the surf and sand before roasting hotdogs and making s’mores. We worshiped together singing with Mr. Codington and listened to Mr. Dunbar share with us how to become a successful student who loves Jesus and accepts others. Some other highlights in September were the “Let’s Move-A-Thon”, MAP Testing, and “Grandparent’s Day” where we were able to hang out with our loved ones. I hope you all feel loved and cherished!
MAP Testing results are in, and teachers will be entering the results into our IXL math and reading program so that each student will have an individualized learning path. Students can log onto IXL from school and from home, so I encourage you to become familiar with the program. The teachers look forward to sharing the MAP results as well as how to log into IXL with you during our Parent Teacher Conferences in November.
We are excited to have our enrollment up to 61 students! We still have room to grow and invite you to share information about our school. Follow us on Facebook at to see more pictures!
Karen Dunbar, Principal

Hot Lunch Fundraisers
Wednesday, Oct. 11: Haystacks/Nachos
Monday, Oct. 16: Pizza
Wednesday, Oct. 18: Mac and Cheese & Nuggets
Monday, Oct. 23: Pizza
Wednesday, Oct. 25: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup
Monday, Oct. 31: Pizza

Aftercare Schedule
Monday – Thursday:
3:00 – 3:30 Games and Puzzles
3:30 – 3:45 Snack
3:45 – 4:30 Outside Play
4:30 – 5:00 Homework
5:00 – 5:30 Varies
12:15 – 12:20 Check-in
12:20 – 12:30 Snack
12:30 – 4:00 Varies Depending on Numbers
PLEASE NOTE: Microwaves are not available.