Dates to Remember:
Dec. 9: Chapel (8:15 AM) Rob Smith
Dec. 12: Knott’s Field Trip
Dec. 19: Christmas Program Rehearsal (8:00 AM)
Dec. 19: Christmas Program (6:30 PM)
Dec. 20: Class Parties
Dec. 23-Jan. 6: Christmas Break
Jan. 7: Classes Resume
Jan. 17: 3rd Quarter Ends
Jan. 20 & 21: NO SCHOOL
Jan. 22-31: MAP
Dear SACS Family,
I am so thankful for the time we had with family and friends both here at school and at home celebrating this past month. God has been blessing in ways we can’t even see and, many times, before we ask. As we move into a time of giving in response to His goodness to us, I would like to remind you of a few things you can do to take part.
1. Bring non-perishable items for our Christmas Food Drive.
2. Donate lightly used toys and books to the classrooms.
3. Give a monetary donation to the school to either support a specific cause, or a general donation to be used where the school has the most need. (This is tax-deductible, and a receipt will be given).
We are so excited to share our Christmas presentation with you. The students have been working with Mr. Malik to learn their songs, and those who had speaking parts have been meeting with Miss. Walker to practice! Please come and join us to celebrate the greatest gift of all — our Lord and Saviour. The performance will take place at the Ontario SDA Church at 6:30 PM on December 19th.
Please enjoy the pictures below from our events and take note of important dates coming up!
Many Blessings!
Karen Dunbar, Principal
Hot Lunch Menu
Monday, December 2: Pizza
Wednesday, December 4: Quesadilla
Monday, December 9: Pizza
Wednesday, December 11: Haystack
Monday, December 16: Pizza
Wednesday, December 18: Spaghetti
Easy Support
Use your weekly grocery receipts to help earn funds for SACS.
- Simply download the Box Tops for Education app on you smart phone.
- Find a School: select “San Antonio Christian School”.
- Complete your profile account with referral code: Z9Z40U6Q.
- Scan and submit your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
- Earn points!